poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2011

Celem tego bloga bylo opisanie moich krokow do uzyskania dochodu pasywnego. Po calkiem sporej przerwie w pracy nad nim wracam ze wzmozona sila. Co na pierwszy ogien?

Jako, ze zaradni.pl w czasie 5 miesiecy zarobily 3 zl, gdzie wczesniej zarobilem 1zl w tydzien - postanowilem zrezygnowac z rozwijania tego przedsiewziecia.

Na pierwszy ogien w nowych silach i z nowa ambicja ruszy strona, ktora bedzie sprzedawac produkt. Powstala ona juz prawie rok temu, jednak na niezbyt ladnym layoucie. Mimo wygenerowania dwu dniowego ruchu w okolicach 1000 wyswietlen na jeden dzien dzieki AdWords z ustawieniami budzetu na ok 100zl na dzien. Byl to swoisty test, jak wszystko dziala i jak sie zakonczy.

Doszlo do tylko jednej sprzedazy. Mysle, ze ten wynik mial duze znaczenie w mojej oslabionej motywacji.

Teraz wszystko mam zamiar naprawic. W sumie juz jest naprawione. Wystarczy doszlifowac i ruszyc z promocja. W miedzyczasie troche gdzieniegdzie poczytalem co byc moze zaskutkuje lepszymi wynikami.

Post krotki, ale i on ma mi pomoc wrocic do czestrzego pisania.

czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2011


Kazdy z nas ma swoje sentencje. tzw motta zyciowe. Wielu z was tylko je ma, wielu tez stara sie wg nich zyc. Mojej filozofi zycia przyswiecaja dwa zdania. Nie, nie jest to krypto reklama czy tez artykul sponsorowany...

niedziela, 24 kwietnia 2011

Wiecej niz pieniadze

Od dluzszego czasu spedzam zycie za granica naszego kraju, naszej Polski. Tulalem sie po kilku krajach, teraz niemal juz na stale osiedlony zyje w Hiszpanii. Konkretniej, Katalonii. Jeszcze konkretniej - w Barcelonie.

W tym poscie pisalem jak wyglada zycie finansowe za zachodnia granica Polski. Tamten wpis dotyczyl Belgii, aczkolwiek sprawy finansowe wygladaja mniej wiecej tak samo. Byc moze odrobine Belgia daje wieksze pole do zarobienia pieniedzy. Pieniadze to nie wszystko, prawda? Prawda?

O czym dzisiaj? O wszystkim o czym zapominamy rozmawiajac o zyciu na zachodzie. O sposobie zycia, jedzeniu, o ludziach... Postaram sie jak najmniej powtarzac w temacie pieniedzy.

sobota, 9 kwietnia 2011

Zmiany, zmiany, zmiany !

Pierwsza zmiana jaką możecie już dostrzec to język w jakim będzie prowadzony blog. Czyżbym zarzucił naukę tego języka? Nie, nauka przeszła na dużo lepszy obszar, mianowicie rozmowę. Ale… po kolei.

poniedziałek, 7 marca 2011

Live here, live in Poland.

If you are moving to another country without any guarantee job and place to stay it could be difficult. Yes, it is. We did like that and we had a test of our characters. You know what? We passed it!
That was a hard time. After fly from Gdansk to Eindhoven, we used couchsurfing (thx Rob!) for one night and then try to take a auto stop to Brussels.  Finally we arrived to Aalst and… slept few nights in car! Everything was good, except time when temperature dropped under 0*C. Was really cold. I found a job(at first day !), not specially job but I can live here with my girlfriend. Still we don’t have our place but we have roof over our heads .

poniedziałek, 7 lutego 2011

It's time to prepare...

After few days I'm coming back to writing something for my blog. Currently I'm preparing for my second big travel - to Belgium. Together with my GF we will go there at something about 14/15 February. What is the reason of this travel? We have to earn a lot of money(a lot, a lot) to pay our debts. This is our most important goal at this time. 

piątek, 4 lutego 2011

My ideas for Passive income #1 - zaradni.pl

Welcome in my new series of articles. In these articles I will describe my methods of passive income. Every one method I just started or I'll start, so you can learn them toghether with me. Hope you will share with me/us your ideas in comment. 

wtorek, 1 lutego 2011

I do need a plan. Do I ?

As probably you know my life is actually changing. I thought about that and I need a plan what I want exactly change and what is my goal/are my goals. I know that plans often change, but if I will don't have any goal I don't have motivation. Today I will write about my goals and from what I will get motivation to achieve them, and how I plan to achieve them.

First Goal: I would be happy man. 
My motivation:
My previous life. I never have been a truly happy. Something always was wrong. Not enough money, debts, not so good weather... So, I don't want live like in my previous life.
How I'll achieve that? 
I will done next goals. :)

Second Goal: I want pay my debts and I will don't have debts anymore. 
My motivation:
I want feel free (somebody who got debts know what I'm talking about).
How I'll achieve that? 
We'r going right now to Belgium to hard work. If everything will be all right, we can earn there a lot of money. Also we have some ideas how we can earn some more money. I will write about them if they works :)

Third Goal: I want have enough money to live my life.
My motivation:
I don't want work day by day in 8 hour system. I wan't spend my time for better activities(playing football, swimming...yy do nothing?).
How I'll achieve that? 
You can ask me how I want to have enough money and in the same time I don't want work day by day. Yes, that's true. In our world there is something like 'passive income'. Also soon I will write something more about that.

Fourth Goal: I want live in another country than Poland.
My motivation:
How I'll achieve that? 
I just go there :)

How much time do I need? I think, something about 1 year. Max 2 years.

Ok, that's all fools ! :)

poniedziałek, 31 stycznia 2011

Several ideas for my day-cycle

Hi there!

It's so good to wake up in the morning and dont feel the need to check facebook and/or others comunicators. I'm feel now very well with my yesterday decision and I smiled to myself when reminded what I have done.

We have got 31 January. I spent several minutes over what I could do today or about what write something here. And I have an idea. As I wrote yesterday i want to change some things in my life, so the first step will be order my day and my activities during day/every day.

 - I will read english dictionary page by page, one page by day. I'll write words that I didnt know and put them on my pin board.

 - I will go outside for minimum 1 hour (walk,run or ride a bicycle).

 - Also I have to take care of my body/condition so I will do some exercises.

 - I will read one article in english and few more in polish.

At this moment is enough.

I read last time about passive income. It's great idea. I have to think about it, any extra cash will be great at this moment (hmm it always be great).

Ok, It's time to take my life and day in my hands.
Cheers for everyone!

niedziela, 30 stycznia 2011

New idea!

Just few hours ago i got new idea what can I do with my life. In two weeks i will move to Belgium. Together wit h my girlfriend, my wife in future. We are moving there, couse we can get there good payment job. Right know we need a lot of money, we have huuuge debts. But... everything will be allright.

Also, we want discover a lot of world. Not expensive hotels, but all other places in nature. I know we can do it, i know we can do everything what we want to do.

Last Saturday, exactly yesterday, we play new album of Grubson - young polish raper. His songs are very motivating to do something with your life.

And i just did first step. I removed my Facebook Page, my gg number (polish comunicator) and other few portals/forums. Also I sold my cellphone. I want use my time with mind, do few new things, learn something new (marketing? ebussines? something like that).

Tommorow I will be hot 21 ;). In my birthday I want do something different. Probably i will go somewhere on my foots, or ride a bike for few kms. Yes, I didnt do somethinig like this so often. So, right now its time to do them.

So, see you next time.

Ps. I'm sory for my english :)